Thurs, March 26th, 2020
2019/2020 School Year
Important Dates to Remember March 13th - April 24th Fri, May 1st |
Capture This Historic Moment In Time For The Yearbook A yearbook is a keepsake to cherish for years to come. Help us create a yearbook that captures this historic moment in time for our kids. Capture the moments that depict how your families and community are coming together and coping. These can be photos of your kids homeschooling (in whatever form that takes), doing fun projects, playing outside, etc. Our Virtual Spirit Week next week is a great opportunity for photos. This includes teachers and staff too! Pictures should be primarily of Newcastle students, teachers or staff and should be 750k or larger. Please send just 1-2 photos per student to Jessica Anderson at And reach out to her with any questions too.
Support The Businesses That Have Supported Newcastle Elementary This unprecedented time is taking its toll on so many of us and especially on the small businesses in our community. These Newcastle businesses have supported our PTSA and school in the past so please consider supporting them, along with other local businesses, during this time.
The Issaquah Food And Clothing Bank And Issaquah Schools Foundation Partner To Support The Community We need your help, now more than ever, to assist families in our community. The Issaquah Schools Foundation is partnering with the Issaquah Food & Clothing bank to ensure students' nutritional needs are being met through this ongoing school closure. We are asking donors to purchase boxes of food directly through Supply All Kids, who will purchase food and pack boxes to distribute at the food bank. You may also contribute directly to the Foundation and we will direct additional support to current and emerging needs during this time.
In case you missed these communications ...
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