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In addition to the monthly Cub News,  you will receive this quick snapshot highlighting key activities.  We hope this helps you to stay on top of all of the exciting activities going on at the school as well as deadlines. 

Monday, August 28th, 2017
2017/2018 School Year

Welcome back to Newcastle Elementary!


{Dates to Remember}


At the Picnic . . .

Monday, September 4th
Teacher assignments available
Log into {Family Access} after 4pm to see your child’s teacher assignment. 

Tuesday, September 5th at 3pm
Meet your teacher day
This is a fantastic opportunity for families to meet their teachers for the year.


Come meet your friends

Stop at the information booths - Girl Scouts, Lego Club and more

Sign up for volunteer opportunities

Pizza & drinks available for purchase

Celebrate the new school year!

{Save the Date}


Reminders . . .


Tuesday, September 5th at 5pm
Kindergarten, 3rd & 4th Grade

Thursday, September 14th at 6pm
5th Grade & Camp Meeting

Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm
1st & 2nd Grade 


Join the PTSA

Sign-up to volunteer

Pay your child's school supply fee

Purchase yearbooks


{click here for more info at}


If you no longer wish to receive email  notifications like this, you can modify your preferences in the "My Profile" section of the website.   To visit the Newcastle PTSA website, {click here}.