News & Reminders from Newcastle Elementary PTSA

 for Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Orange Ruler Fundraising Update

THANK YOU to everyone who has participated so far in this year's only major fundraising event for the Newcastle PTSA! We have 71% participation and have surpassed our goal!!! We have raised over $56,740 and our fundraising drive has been going strong, but time is almost up!

Here are some final reminders as we enter the last few days of the fundraiser.

  • Register your child and donate by visiting
  • Turn-In Day is next Tuesday, May 8th.  Please remember to have your child turn in all check and cash donations in the collection envelope to their classroom.  Make sure to include your child's name and teacher's name on the envelope.
  • Donations are 100% tax deductible and we accept all company matching programs.
  • Students will participate in the Fun Run on Friday, May 18th.
  • Top earning class is treated to a special time of kickball with Mr. Mellish and Mr. Miller.  The teacher also receives a $100 Amazon gift card.
  • Top 10 classes get to participate in the pig race (mechanical toy pigs) the day of the Fun Run on Friday, May 18th.

Three classes earned a Jamba Juice party on Wednesday, May 23rd! Congratulations to the following classes: Mrs. Graff, Mrs. Hirshberg and Mrs. Pitingoro.  Also, a special shout-out to Ms. Andrews' class who reached 100% participation!

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and amazing support of this program.  Your efforts go a long way in helping us make this one of the most successful fundraisers our school has ever had.  If you have any questions, please contact Vivian Bastron at or Gina Hall at



Book Fair Volunteers Needed!

You can now sign up to volunteer and shop online by following the link here: 

The spring book fair will be held in the Newcastle Library during lunch and afternoon recesses the week of May 14th to May 18th!  Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that provides the books kids want to read.  It's a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level.  Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits.  It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. 

Please make plans to come to our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child's reading habits. 
Remember, all purchases benefit our school.   See you at the Book Fair!  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Berry at