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Friday, May 31st, 2019
2018/2019 School Year



Important Dates to Remember

Fri, May 31st
Free Popcorn Friday

Tues, June 11th

5th Grade Concert

Thurs, June 13th
Rescheduled Italian Staff Luncheon

PTSA General & Board Meeting

PTSA Volunteer Appreciation Open House

Fri, June 14th
Free Popcorn Friday

Fri, June 21st
Spring Fling

Wed, June 26th

5th Grade Promotion

Thurs, June 27th

Last Day of School

PTSA Board/General Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Open House 
Newcastle Elementary's PTSA will be holding the last Board & General Meeting for the 2018/2019 School Year on Thursday, June 13th from 9:30am - 11:00am in the SAGE Room.   At the last board meeting additional slate of board members will be voted in for the 2019/2020 school year as well as the preliminary budget.
Following the Board & General Meeting, please join us for a PTSA Volunteer Appreciation Open House event at Elysa Piha's house from 11:00am - 1:00pm.
We are so energized by the possibilities created by our successful fundraising efforts over the last two years and the generosity of our families, and we are looking for people to make those possibilities a reality!  We have a complete turnover of our PTSA board and several committee chair positions this year and we have several openings we still need to fill. 
If you would like more information and want to talk to a board member:

Kindergarten "Baby Beluga - A Musical Review" & 1st Grade "Goldilocks" Music Concerts Available

To view the videos, {please click here}.  Thank you to our music teachers,  Ms. Ells & Mrs. Martin and George Conway of GSC Video for the videography.

If you missed the opportunity to view the prior school year concerts, use the following links:

2019 Golden Acorn Recipients

Trisha Marshall
In the short time Trisha Marshall’s children have been a part of Newcastle Elementary, Trisha has developed a passion for helping the kids in our community, demonstrating a personal commitment not just to students at Newcastle, but to the entire Issaquah School District.

Trisha served as Auction Co-Chair for the 2018/2019 school year, helping to drive fundraising efforts for Newcastle through the Road to the Emerald City Auction. Her leadership, hard work, and innovation resulted in a highly successful event that surpassed all financial goals, fully funding the PTSA and creating the opportunity for innovative improvements to the school playground and outdoor space.

In addition to serving the students of Newcastle in her role as Auction Co-Chair, Trisha has spent time in the school and classroom as an Art Docent and Art Helper, supporting the important mission of bringing art to all Newcastle students. Her desire to put art directly in the hands of students drove her to help brainstorm a new Auction Art Program, giving every student the opportunity to realize his or her own artistic vision through personal creations they were able to take home and display. Beyond this, for her nearly three years as a Newcastle parent, Trisha has been a frequent presence at school, serving as a Room Parent and regular classroom reading volunteer.

Trisha’s desire to make a positive impact in the lives of children also led her to become a VOICE Mentor, a role that allows her to spend one-on-one time with a child in need of additional adult support. With a waitlist for students in need of mentors at Newcastle, Trisha stepped in and is now working with her second child.

Trisha’s commitment to helping children reach their full potential has extended beyond Newcastle Elementary to the broader Issaquah School District as well. For the past two years she has served as the Issaquah Schools Foundation Ambassador to Newcastle, helping to raise awareness of the mission and value the Foundation brings to the students of the district. She has brought her passion for fundraising to the Foundation as well, serving as the Table Captain Lead for the Foundation’s annual Nourish Every Mind events for the past two years. In this role she has helped fill the seats at the luncheon and breakfast events, directly impacting the funds raised while broadening the reach of the Foundation’s message throughout the community. She has also acted as the Table Captain for Newcastle Elementary for the past two years, introducing more and more Newcastle parents to the Foundation and its priorities. Trisha’s belief in the mission of the Foundation is so strong that in 2018 she joined the Board of Trustees, a role that enables her to more directly impact the focus and the direction of the Foundation and the programs it funds, helping to enable every child in the district to reach his or her full potential.

Elysa Piha
Elysa has consistently and continually volunteered on a great number occasions to serve our school and students. She chaired the 2015 PTSA auction and served as the VP of Ways and Means during the 2016-2017 school year. Through her actions this helped to augment and strengthen programs, events, curriculum and experiences for our students. Among these major accomplishments, she has been serving as Co-President for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years.

She is filled with great gratitude towards Newcastle Elementary for what they are able to accomplish for not only her children, but for all the students. In showing her appreciation, Elysa volunteers countless hours at school working for the PTSA, as well as regularly helping out with the art docent program for her kids' classes. In addition, she volunteers in the library, as well as the classroom.

With all of Elysa’s school commitments she is also very involved in both of her children's after school activities. She is a Cookie Mom with her daughter's 5th grade Girl Scout troop and is often seen helping wherever needed at soccer, basketball, softball, and baseball games for both her children.

Her dedication to improving the community at large has been a lifelong commitment. Over the years she has worked with many nonprofit organizations and currently sits on the Board of Directors of the summer camp her children attend. 

Elysa is a person that we can, without a doubt, always turn to whenever help is needed. She is a tremendous asset not only to our school but to our community as well.  With her continual heartfelt dedication for what is in the best interest for all our children we foresee great things to occur in our community and our school.

Allison Sweeney
Allison has been an integral and impactful member of the Newcastle PTSA since her oldest daughter started Kindergarten over 6 years ago. She has always been ready to serve as a classroom and school volunteer, volunteering as an Art Helper every year for each of her kids (grades K, 2, 5) and serving as a Mathquest volunteer twice. She served on the Board as the VP of Volunteers, engaging other parents to commit their time and talent to the PTSA as well and leaving the position in a stronger place with detailed transition materials ready for her predecessors. She volunteered as KinderConnect Chair, helping to strengthen our school community by bringing Kinder parents together to get to know one another. This program was so popular under her leadership that there was a request to continue it in First Grade. In addition, for three years she has served as the First Two Weeks of School Coordinator, recruiting and scheduling volunteers to help during drop off/pick up, on the playground and in the lunchroom, ensuring a smooth transition back to school for everyone. And last but certainly not least, she raised her hand to take on the monumental task of co-chairing the bi-annual auction, dedicating over a year of her life to putting together a phenomenal and extremely successful event.

Allison is an ever-present and always helpful presence in the school and the classroom. Each year, for each of her 3 children, she is a regular volunteer in the classroom in either Reading or Math and this year she has dedicated time with the 5th grade class as a Gardening volunteer, helping the kids create a beautiful garden for the school while teaching valuable skills. In addition, she is a frequent field trip chaperone.

Allison's commitment to the youth of our community extends beyond her direct work with the students at Newcastle. She has served the greater district through a commitment to the Issaquah Schools Foundation as a donor and an attendee at the annual Nourish Every Mind event. She has also demonstrated selflessness through her willingness to help other schools in the community hold successful auctions, serving as an event volunteer and a source of knowledge to other auction chairs.

Allison is a passionate champion for the development of children in our community. She currently leads two Girl Scout troops (for her 5th and 2nd graders) and has taken on the Troop Leader role with the same commitment she shows in all of her endeavors.  She strives to engage the girls in activities that help them to develop strength of character, resiliency, compassion and their own passions toward service.

With her leadership and guidance, each of her troops has made an impactful commitment to community service, helping local organizations like Little Hats, Big Hearts, Birthday Dreams, The Humane Society and the Issaquah Food Bank. She's led her troop on many adventures as well, including sleeping outside in 40-degree weather, learning how to make fires, tie knots, knife safety, and archery amongst others. Such activities have grown the girls' confidence and given them crucial life skills.  And Allison’s dedication to building the character and confidence of girls in our community will have a lasting and profound impact.


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