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Mon, Dec. 6, 2021
2021/2022 School Year



Important Dates to Remember 

Wednesday, December 1 - Wednesday, December 15: Winter Toy & Clothing Drive

Monday, December 6 - PTSA General Member Meeting w/ Principal Chat

Monday, December 20 - Friday, December 31: First Winter Break - NO SCHOOL

Monday, January 17 - MLK Jr Day - NO SCHOOL

Friday, January 28 - Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL









PTSA Membership Meeting TONIGHT
Please join us for our PTSA General Membership meeting TONIGHT @ 7:00pm (Mon, 12/6) via Zoom. The Zoom link was emailed to all PTSA members. If you do not receive one, or are not a PTSA member but would like to attend, please email
Spirit Day Fridays!
Remember every Friday we dress up in our favorite Newcastle spirit wear or our school colors, yellow/green! You can also choose to rep your favorite team in football, hockey, soccer, etc! 

Winter Toy & Clothing Drive

Families, please consider donating to the upcoming Winter Toy & Clothing Drive, to benefit Eastside Baby Corner. Items accepted include new and gently used toys, clothing as well as diapers, wipes and children's bedding for ages 0-12. We will be collecting items from December 1-15, with bins located outside the front of Newcastle Elementary. To schedule a pick up of items from your home, contact Thank you in advance for spreading the joy with your donations this winter season!


ISD Levy Committee

What is a Levy?

A levy is a short-term, local property tax passed by the voters of the school district that generates revenue for the district to fund programs and services that the state does not fund or fully fund as part of “basic education.”

What is the ISD Levy Committee?

  • The committee is comprised of 43 voting members representing parents of individual schools,  the community (retired person, business, at large), Volunteers for Issaquah Schools and educational staff. Learn more: Levy Development Committee 2022
  • The committee is tasked with reviewing, providing community input and making a recommendation on ISD’s supplemental funding levy plan for 2022-2026.
  • As proposed, the levies will generate 15.6% (~$65M/year) of ISD’s Operations Fund by extending our current local property tax levy for an additional 4 years (all levies must be approved via a ballot measure/local election).

What Levies are Being Proposed?

  • Educational Programs and Operations Levy – EP&O (formerly called the Maintenance and Operations Levy)
    • The General Operating funds generated via the EP&O levy can (by state law) be used for the following “enrichment” activities
      • Extracurricular activities, extended school days
      • Additional course offerings
      • Early learning programs
      • Additional salary/administration costs for enrichment activities
    • ISD’s current $62m EP&O spending proposal (springboard) for the levy can be found on slide 12 at  ISD Levy Committee Presentation
  • Transportation Levy (Buses)
    • The transportation levy generates funds for the purchase of new buses. ISD’s current proposal (springboard) for the levy is to purchase 64 buses for an approximate 1 to 1 replacement of the district’s fully depreciated buses (Buses are retired after 13 years of service).  
      • 2023 – 10 Large/9 Small
      • 2024 – 13 Large/12 Small
      • 2025 – 4 Large/5 Small
      • 2026 – 6 Large/5 Small  
  • Capital Levy (Technology and Critical Repairs)
    • TBD – We will learn more next week.

Why are these Levies Important?

  • The levies are the primary way our community invests annually in our local schools – 15.6% of ISD’s operating budget
  • The levies provide the funds to modernize ISD’s bus fleet.

Why Engage?

  • You can help determine how we - as a community - invest in our students’ experience and opportunities beyond the state/federal mandated basic education
  • You can participate in the community oversight of how our tax dollars are invested in the future of Newcastle

What Can You Do?

  • Add your voice to the conversation with any thoughts, ideas or recommendations for ISD’s Enrichment Activity investments
  • Review ISD’s proposals (springboard) for EP&O and Bus Spending – Full presentation can be viewed by QRCode:   

ISD’s Current Springboard Proposal is on Page 12

Provide Direct feedback – Questions/Ideas/Asks

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"Follow" us on Instagram @newcastlelionsptsa

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