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Mon, Mar. 7, 2022
2021/2022 School Year



Important Dates to Remember 

Friday, March 11: Golden Acorn Nomination Deadline

Monday, April 11 - Friday, April 15: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

Monday, April 25: PTSA General Membership Meeting & Principal Chat


PTSA Membership Recognition

Thank you to all who joined the PTSA this school year! Our membership drive was a great success and we have achieved the Silver Membership Award by the Washington State PTA!

That means our PTSA has enrolled members equaling at least 105% of your PTA’s total membership last year. Our membership growth is integral to our mission of being a powerful voice for children. 

That means our PTA is growing! Thank you to everyone who has become a member so far this year: YOU are the reason our PTA achieved this award! If you haven’t yet signed up for a 2021-2022 PTA membership, please consider joining today! By doing so, you are demonstrating your support for our PTA and all it does for Newcastle Elementary. Link to join HERE. 

We are in need of recess volunteers! 

If you would like a link to sign-up for recess support, please email: to verify you have been approved to volunteer. Thank you for your support! 

PTSA Supporting our Green Team

You may have read this in our school e-news, our amazing Green Team is helping our planet!

“Newcastle Green Team wants to send a special THANK YOU to the PTSA for funding our marker and glue stick recycling boxes! With help from Terra Cycle, we are keeping hundreds of dried-up glue sticks, markers, and pens from the landfill! Instead, they will be collected and recycled into new items like plastic bins, decking material, and outdoor furniture (to name a few). Thank you for helping to keep our school a King County Green School, Newcastle families!”

We were so thrilled to help not only our school, but the planet! Thanks for all you do to keep us aware and finding innovative ways to help, Green Team! 🌎♻️

Golden Acorn Deadline Friday

Time has been extended to nominate those in our community who go above and beyond in being of service to our students and school. The Golden Acorn Award is a very prestigious Washington State PTA award that is given out by local PTAs/PTSAs for exemplary and outstanding volunteerism and service to PTA. Honorees that receive this award have volunteer experience at the local PTA level, in the community, and at the school and/or school district level. 

Do you know someone you think deserves this amazing recognition? If so, please complete a nomination form HERE by Friday, March 11
Last year's winners, Sarika Sikka, Jessica Anderson, and Peter O’Donoghue are serving as this year's Golden Acorn Committee. You can contact our chair, Peter with questions at

Thank you,
Newcastle PTSA Golden Acorn Committee

The yearbook is still in need of photos!

We are still needing photos in the following categories:

First Day of School, Pets, Sports/Activities

Email any photos you may have taken for to our yearbook chair, Jessica Anderson:

Please include: Student's name, grade/teacher and category. 

School & Community News
Levy 2022 Update!
The Issaquah School District will have 3 levies on the ballot April 26, 2022.  These renewal levies will replace the current levies which expire December 31, 2022. Like a subscription, levies must be renewed or the programs funding will be lost. If renewed, these levies will provide funding for essential programs through December 2026.

Local Levy Funding....Did you know?

• Local levy funding provides 15.6% of our district's operating budget.

• Local levy dollars are needed to fund essential programs not fully funded by the state including mental health counselors, nurse, safety/security, special education, substitute teachers, custodial staff and pre-K early learning.

• State basic education allocation funds just 3 nurses for our school district of 19,000+ students in 26 schools. The EP&O renewal levy provides funding for 23 additional nurses so that every school has a nurse onsite.

• The Capital levy includes funding for technology and enables the district to acquire equipment and provide modern educational tools, including one-to-one computers, to ensure that access to technology is available and equitable to all students. The Capital levy funds critical repairs for our school buildings and will also help fund  building of High School #4.

Want to know more? Visit for more information.

Click here for details of what each renewal levy funds.

Register to Vote:


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Support the Newcastle PTSA when you shop at Amazon. Please visit and add Newcastle Elementary PTSA as your charitable organization.

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