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Mon, Mar. 21, 2022
2021/2022 School Year



Important Dates to Remember 

Monday, March 21 - Friday, March 25: Read Across America Week

Monday, April 4: Picture Day

Tuesday, April 5 - Wednesday, April 6: Hearing Test

Monday, April 11 - Friday, April 15: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

Monday, April 25: PTSA General Membership Meeting & Principal Chat


Hearing Test Volunteers Needed!
If you have been pre-approved as a volunteer, we are still in need of volunteers for the Hearing Test on Tuesday, April 5th, and Wednesday, April 6th. Both days from 9:05am to 12:00pm. If you would like to volunteer, please click HERE to sign up through the PTSA website volunteer portal. 
Volunteer Opportunities!
Auction Chair(s). We are recruiting for our Co-Chairs for the 2022-23 School Year Auction! The Auction is our main source of funds for all PTSA events and provides additional school support! Please email Allison and Lara at if you or you and a friend are interested in Chairing, Co-Chairing, or helping with a certain committee. We have past auction chairs at your disposal for help and guidance so you won't be alone! 

Art Docents. Would you like to help in your child’s class to facilitate fun, meaningful and creative classroom art projects? Everything you need, including training, is provided! Please contact our Art Docent Chair, Randi Belcher, at to sign up!

Executive Board. Join the PTSA Executive Board for the 2022-23 school year! Help set the direction for the PTSA, be more “in the know” about what happens at school, and meet new people while working in service of our students. You can learn more about the various roles on the Board and the time commitment (typically less than 3-5 hours per month) by emailing our Nominating Committee Chair, Rebecca Nguyen, at


Read Across America is a week-long event in which schools around the country celebrate being a community of readers! 

This year, Newcastle will celebrate Read Across America during the week of March 21st. Here is a list of events:

Monday March 21: Read Aloud Story with Dr. Wood!

Tuesday March 22 - Friday March 25: A Picture Book a Day! Every class will read special picture books from the library each day.

Wednesday March 23: Read my shirt day! On Wednesday, wear a shirt with words on it! This could be a logo or a phrase – anything works!

Friday March 25: ZOOM AUTHOR VISIT – Thanks to a generous grant from the Newcastle PTSA, author Jerry Pallotta will be presenting to our school! Jerry is the author of the incredibly popular “Who Would Win” series. Thank you PTSA!

Times are as follows: K-2nd from 1:45-2:30pm; 3rd-5th from 2:40-3:25pm.

Lunch for the Break - Spring Break

Do you need extra help with food for your school-aged children during Spring Break? Lunch for the Break is a program offered by the Issaquah Food Bank to provide a week's worth of free produce and non-perishable items for students to be able to prepare breakfast, lunch, and snacks for themselves.

For this April, we are pleased to offer Lunch for the Break shopping inside the Food Bank! Families can choose from a variety of produce, dairy, proteins, snacks and other kid-friendly items.

Lunch for the Break is available to all families with school-aged children within the Issaquah School District, or the food bank service area.  It takes place on Friday, April 8, from 1:00pm – 7:00pm at the Food Bank (179 1st Ave SE, Issaquah).

You must register to participate (even if you have previously participated in past Lunch for the Break programs). Once registered, you’ll be assigned a shopping time to help minimize wait times and maintain social distancing. Families can register online here:

Registration closes the morning of April 6.

Questions?  Email or Call/Text 360-525-3619

School & Community News
Levy 2022 Update!
The Issaquah School District will have 3 levies on the ballot April 26, 2022.  These renewal levies will replace the current levies which expire December 31, 2022. Like a subscription, levies must be renewed or the programs funding will be lost. If renewed, these levies will provide funding for essential programs through December 2026.

Local Levy Funding....Did you know?

• Local levy funding provides 15.6% of our district's operating budget.

• Local levy dollars are needed to fund essential programs not fully funded by the state including mental health counselors, nurse, safety/security, special education, substitute teachers, custodial staff and pre-K early learning.

• State basic education allocation funds just 3 nurses for our school district of 19,000+ students in 26 schools. The EP&O renewal levy provides funding for 23 additional nurses so that every school has a nurse onsite.

• The Capital levy includes funding for technology and enables the district to acquire equipment and provide modern educational tools, including one-to-one computers, to ensure that access to technology is available and equitable to all students. The Capital levy funds critical repairs for our school buildings and will also help fund  building of High School #4.

Want to know more? Visit for more information.

Click here for details of what each renewal levy funds.

Register to Vote:


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