Mon, Apr. 25, 2022
2021/2022 School Year
Important Dates to Remember Monday, April 25 - Friday, April 29: STEM Week Monday, May 2: PTSA General Membership Meeting & Principal Chat Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6: Teacher Appreciation Week Monday, May 30: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Ballots are due by Tuesday 4/26. Have you voted yet? There are 3 reveal levies on the ballot. Your vote can make difference! Like a subscription, levies must be renewed or the funding will be lost. Did you know? The EP&O Levy provides 15.6% of the district's current funding for mental health supports, special education, academic programs, nurses and safety and security measures. The EP&O pays $7.3 million towards the special education budget not covered by State and Federal funds. The EP&O pays for each of the 27 schools to have a nurse on staff; the state only funds 3.5 nurses for the entire district. The EP&O funds 13 mental health counselors, contracted with Swedish Medical, available to all students. The EP&O also funds elective or Career & Technical Education opportunities for all high schoolers and STEM opportunities for all K-12 students. The Capital (Technology & Construction) Levy will maintain technology services, provide critical technological enhancements, and ensure students will have increased access to a laptop device for school needs. The Construction portion of the levy will maintain building safety standards and repairs (HVAC, roof repairs, etc.) and help complete the construction of High School #4 to alleviate student overcrowding at Skyline and Issaquah High, after a delay in building and increasing construction costs. The Transportation (School Bus) Levy is a 1-year measure which funds the purchase of new energy efficient buses to reduce transportation costs. ISD transports approximately 7,500 students each morning and afternoon over 110 square miles, which adds up to 1.4 million miles driven each school year. ALL local education levy dollars approved in ISD stay in our district to support our local ISD students, schools and staff. LOCAL LEVIES SUPPORT LOCAL KIDS! Thank you for your support! More details at STEM Week Begins Today!
Heads up that THIS WEEK is NEWCASTLE PTSA STEM WEEK! We hope that your Newcastle student will join us for “Science that Makes You Smile”, which includes both virtual and in-person opportunities to HAVE FUN while exploring science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The Newcastle PTSA is thrilled to provide all these programs and content FREE for our students. Please note that some events require advance sign up. Full details, including times, and Zoom links for virtual experiences are available HERE. If your student is still working on an independent STEM project - reminder that it's due Tuesday, April 26th. All participants will be entered into drawings for GREAT prizes, to include gift cards, Legos, and a telescope! Details HERE.
PTSA General Membership Meeting Please join us on Monday, May 2nd, @ 7:00p for our first in-person PTSA membership meeting this year! You do not have to be a PTSA member to attend. "LIKE" Us on Facebook and Stay Informed "Like" us on Facebook "FOLLOW" Us on Instagram and Stay Connected "Follow" us on Instagram @newcastlelionsptsa Join AmazonSmiles and Support Newcastle Support the Newcastle PTSA when you shop at Amazon. Please visit and add Newcastle Elementary PTSA as your charitable organization. Click HERE to view previous eBlasts. |
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