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Mon, May 9, 2022
2021/2022 School Year



Important Dates to Remember 

Monday, May 9 - Sunday, May 22: Read-A-Thon

Monday, May 30: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL

Monday, June 6: Last PTSA General Membership Meeting

Friday, June 17: Last Day of School - Early Dismissal



Newcastle Elementary’s first Read-A-Thon begins TODAY! All Newcastle Elementary students are encouraged to participate! The Read-A-Thon starts TODAY and will run for 14 days, ending Sunday, May 22nd, at 9:00pm. Students are encouraged to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day, totaling 280 minutes by the end of the 14 days. Overall, the school is working towards reaching a total of 90,000 minutes spent reading. 

Students can win lots of great prizes ranging from plush “Newcastle” lions, gift cards, popsicle parties, hats with headlamps in them, and even a very special prize if the school reaches its reading goal involving hair paint and Dr. Wood.  ðŸ˜Š

Students (and parents) are asked to follow this link: Newcastle Elementary Read-A-Thon (  and create a unique profile for each student. Simply click on “Add Participant” at the bottom of the screen, and enter their name, an email address and choose which classroom they are in by using the dropdown menu (hint – kindergarten is at the bottom of the list). 

In order to access the tracking log, simply follow the second link provided in your welcome email from 99 Pledges, and click on "Track."  

Once your student has their own page, please share the link with your friends and families and ask for support for your student’s reading throughout the Read-A-Thon. The goal is that each student raise a minimum of $100. Donations can be made in lump sum, or by the minute (i.e. $.50/minute). Donations are made directly through the website, and are tax deductible. Students then go into their personalized website to track how many minutes they are reading per day.

All reading must be completed by 9pm on Sunday, May 22nd, with all minutes entered into the individualized websites. Announcements on prize winners will be announced in the following week.

If you’re on social media, follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to see up to date standings! Please contact Jenn McAleer at if you have any questions.


Golden Acorn Winners!

Help us in congratulating our three Golden Acorn winners for 2022 - Mary McGuire Brown, Ali Bligh, and Marcia O’Donoghue! We are proud of these three for all they have done for our school, district and community as a whole. Thank you from all of us at Newcastle Elementary for your time and energy in going above and beyond for our students and community!

5th Grade Celebration Help

Do you have large canopies or a stage that the 5th grade committee may borrow for the celebration in June? If so, please email They would love to be able to borrow them to help make the celebration a memorable one! 

Join the PTSA Executive Board for the 2022-2023 School Year!

Would you like to help set the direction for the PTSA? Want to be more “in the know” about what happens at school? Interested in meeting new people? All while working in service of our students? Then please consider joining our PTSA Executive Board! You can learn more about the various roles on the Board and the time commitment (typically less than 3-5 hours per month) in our bio. If you’re interested in learning more or have someone you think would be great on the board, please contact Rebecca Nguyen (part of our Nominating Committee) at

School and Community News

Issaquah Schools Foundation: Nourish Every Mind

Each year, Issaquah Schools Foundation hosts Nourish Every Mind, an event to raise funds for all of the 20,000 students in our school district. Our goal this year is to raise $400,000! Donors like you, who understand the importance of investing in our students and our schools, will help us to re-imagine possibilities and bring our student's dreams to life!

With your support, Issaquah Schools Foundation can continue helping our district’s students reach their potential by bridging the gap between the dollars the state provides for basic education and the funding our 26 schools need to ensure students succeed in school and are prepared for life.

Issaquah Schools Foundation is a local organization that is singularly focused on the success of all students. We are an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 whose mission is to drive resources to help students district-wide achieve the promise of their potential.

See how ISF has directly impacted Newcastle Elementary:

Don’t Wait to Donate! Donate today!

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