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Tue, Jun 4, 2024
2023/2024 School Year



Yearbooks Have Arrived -- Still Time to Order!
Our yearbooks will be distributed soon!
Please make sure you have placed an order before it's too late and we sell out.
If you did not purchase a yearbook for your child earlier in the school year, it’s not too late - but time is running out! To purchase: GO TO OUR WEBSITE and click on the "Yearbook" icon in the left column list and follow the prompts to complete your purchase.
Each copy is $26. We have a limited supply of extra yearbooks as the deadline was May 31st.
Note: If you do not remember if you have already ordered a copy, go to the PTSA website, click on "My Account", log in, and go to “Current Orders”. A confirmation of your purchases for the year will appear on that screen.

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